Imagine you’re in a play. Now play along with me… The you have always known is just your character. It’s just a costume you’re wearing. 🎭 When the play is over, and the cheers from the crowd grow quiet, you begin to remove your costume, along with everyone around you. Your parents, your grandparents. Your partner. Your best friend. Your team. Your biz besties. That person you often compare yourself to on Instagram. Everyone puts down their costume. And all you notice now are the raw, unfiltered and unedited versions of yourself and the people around you. You see, every day when you interact with the people in your life, you’re really interacting with the character they’re choosing to play. And you’re playing a character, too. Often, that character is built from your fears, generational patterns, and your past experiences.It’s the character who makes judgements – of the people around you and of yourself. It’s your character who reacts out of fear. It’s your character who is constantly having doubts – feeling like you did something wrong or you’re not enough. But the person who is playing that character doesn’t judge. When they put down their costume, all of the fear and anxiety fades away. What’s left is simply love and peace.Remember this the next time someone around you acts out of fear or judgement. It’s not them, it’s the character they’re playing. Beneath the costume, there’s a beautiful and loving human – but in this moment, they’re caught up in the role they’ve chosen to play. When you’re feeling yourself start to react out of judgement and insecurities, take a moment, breathe, and take off your costume. Recognize you are not the character you are playing. 💯 This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with that character. It’s there to keep you safe, to keep you in your comfort zone. It’s trying to do its job. But you don’t have to let the character control you anymore. You can choose to put the costume down! Thank the character for trying to protect you. And let it know you don’t need it anymore. In this process, you may find yourself mourning your old life and the character you’ve been playing for so long. Allow yourself to sit in that discomfort, and then move through it.
This doesn’t mean you won’t pick your costume back up again. It doesn’t mean you’ll never have judgemental thoughts or insecurities. You are constantly reprogramming yourself. You’re always regenerating and evolving. And you can choose to adopt new patterns and habits that are different from your old ones. The key is to be aware of the judgement when it surfaces. To understand it. To have compassion and love for it. This is how you move through it and reprogram it. This is where I am now in my own journey of self-discovery. It’s not that I don’t have any judgement or fear – but when I do, I’m able to have love and compassion for the character I’m playing. ❤️ I’m able to put the costume down. Maybe I’ll get to the place where I’ve completely reprogrammed it. I’ll keep you posted. For now, I’ll remain open to the possibility. Are you ready to explore the person you are beneath the costume and get out of your own way? I will give you all of the tools you need to remove the costume and show up as the person you want to be in this life. Apply now for a 1:1 strategy call >> Xoxo, Vanessa PS— I’m hosting a free virtual summit designed to help you let go of the character you’re playing and step into your true power. Click here to join. Registration for the LAUNCH YOUR POWER free virtual summit is limited! Save your spot so you don’t miss out.
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Archives
August 2022
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